A reflection we see is only half of the truth,
The other half is what we don't see.

Our Healing session is like an Emotional & Spiritual Spa delivered to you in the comfort of your own home.

There are no side effect, no medication is required, and no prior preparation is needed. The Privacy is highly respected and seriously taken. We don’t require to provide delicate information, or personal details except your name. The session is completely Remote.


It is not magic, but magical

Sorry… Due to family circumstances, I am no longer offering appointments at this time.

What can this healing do for you?

Helps ease depression and anxiousness

Helps ease pain & discomfort

Helps with your pet’s physically & emotionally

Helps to ease the pre-exam anxiety

Helps unblock and unlock Abundance

Improves relationships & connecting with each other

Unblocks and heal your Chakras

Identifies foods & nutrients your body craves

Eliminates potential toxins and toxic energy

Unblocks the heart for better relationships

So, how does it work?

Energy healing has been practiced in the Far East for over 5000 years ago. Emotion Code & Body Code, however, are newly founded and patented modalities by Dr. Bradley who was inspired by Eastern healing practices.
Emotion Code is the practice of releasing your past and present trapped emotions, while the Body Code helps identifying imbalances and blockages in the body and spirit to promote a holistic physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental balance.

The healing practice of The Emotion Code and The body Code basically relies on the intention to do an action, which in this case it would be the intention to release the trapped emotion or unbalancing energy. So, when someone is or was unable to live the moment and be aware of the emotion to process it enough and let it go, the emotion gets trapped in the body as a ball of energy. That ball of energy settles somewhere in the body, depending on the emotion type, which would be  creating changes and imbalances to the tissues wherever it is residing.

The effect of trapped emotions to the body can manifest in many forms of imbalances such as pain, disorder, stress, health problems and emotional imbalance.


It's For Everyone

The Emotion Code and The Body Code Healing practices are not religious practices. They don’t follow certain belief, sect, gender, age, or culture. Energy healing can be practiced by anyone and it is for everyone. However, certification or license to practice this modality is required for those who decide to make it their career.
Since Energy Healing is about connecting with the Universe’ Energy, it can be performed remotely from anywhere in the world.
The Emotion Code and The Body Code are tools to access hidden energies of any kind. Some hidden energies are good energies and others could impose some challenges in our lives that may create blockages or imbalances physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or socially.
I consider all Energy Healing modalities to be ideal choices of achieving a wholeness and wellness, they don’t interfere with one another, and they all work to achieve a complete system of balance.
The healing process and the impact of the session vary from one person to another. It purely relies on how well informed and experienced the practitioner is, and the nature of the issue that is addressed.

Your Heart-wall is imaginary but Real.

Set Your Heart Free..

Do you ever wonder why you’re having difficulty connecting with others, or why others can’t seem to bond with you?
Researches now indicate that the heart is a second brain, a brain more powerful than the one on top of your shoulders. A brain that is fully activated when you are giving and receiving pure love and acts of pure, unselfish devotion. The heart is a mind of its own that is able to decide, choose, and feel. It is vulnerable to emotional injury and spiritual beliefs.
To the subconscious mind, the Heart Wall is just as real as the walls of your house. Although we can’t see it, it exist as the air we breathe. What is also just as real to the subconscious mind is the “building material” out of which the Heart-Wall is constructed. The subconscious can create the Heart-Wall out of anything and it will be very real. And often, the building material has some symbolic meaning that will make sense once it has been identified. And physically, mentally and emotionally, we will react like our heart is shielded by this impenetrable wall, even if we have no conscious awareness of it.
The heart wall can block the heart energy from flowing through the body; this may cause difficulties for the body to heal itself, and may start imbalances and emotional disconnections. A heart-wall can affect our social and mental perceptions in our daily interactions. If you are looking for Energy healing near me then contact us for fast recovery.
When the Heart Wall is removed from the body, the impact can be felt immediately and sometimes the change is more subtle and takes place over time.

The Body Code

The Body code is a patented revolutionary method that was created by Dr. Bradly Nelson to help identify the root of virtual, energetic and emotional imbalance. It utilizes tools and charts as the road map to locate the imbalances.
One of the most innovative tools Dr. Bradley has created is The Body Code App. It is available only for certified professionals. The app is the communication tool that allows the subconscious to direct the practitioner to the correct answer when it is requested.
There are 6 target categories the App allows us to search for the root cause: Energy, Pathogens, Circuit or System, Alignment, Toxins, and Nutrient or lifestyle.
Each Category gets narrowed down to subcategories until we get to the final root imbalance that the subconscious is guiding us to identify.
The process gets repeated for as many time as needed in order to find each root imbalance.
Some Practitioners, like myself, choose to expand their resources and add other tools like charts and tables to help finding other details that can be helpful to get to the root of the problem.
The practice of Body Code is not limited by a certain book or rules, there is always room for expansion and new discoveries.

See it in Action

By Dr Bradley Nelson, Founder of Emotion Code & Body Code


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"I prefer to reserve my time and energy exclusively to those who reflect trust and gratitude. "
Nida Amro
Energy Healing Code
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